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Essentials of Islamic Creed
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 1
Introduction to course
Biography of Imam Ibrahim Al Bajuri
Definition of Knowledge and Aqeedah
The Muslim's Methodology
The 2 Basic Rules
Definition of a 'Claim and its 'Types'
Change, Potential and Actualiser
Rational Proofs
What is Aqeedah?
Importance of Aqeedah and the 'Three Questions'
The 'Three Answers" to Who? Why? and What?
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 2
Lesson Objectives
Why know God?
Knowledge & Faith
Who is an Accountable Individual?
The Necessities (A Rational Judgement)
Possibilities (Acceptance of the Mind)
Impossibilities (That's Absurd!)
What an Individual needs to know
Attributes of God Classified ( An Introduction )
Classification 1: The Attribute of Self Significance ( الصفة النفسية )
Classification 2: The Negating Attributes of God ( الصفةالسلبية )
The Negating Attributes of God - Beginning-less ( القدم )
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 3
The Negating Attributes - Continued
The Negating Attributes - Endless-ness ( البقاء )
Significance of Beginning-less ( القدم ) and Endless-ness ( البقاء )
The Negating Attributes - Dissimilarity from Contingent Beings ( مخالفة للحوادث )
Reconciling Quranic Verses for the Beginner's Mind - An Explanation
The Negating Attributes - Self Subsistence ( القيام بالنفس )
How can God be in No Need of A Location? - An Explanation
Is it a problem not to absorb attributes fully intellectually? - An Explanation
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 4
The Negating Attributes - Oneness ( الوحدانية ) in His Entity
The Negating Attributes - Oneness ( الوحدانية ) in His Actions
Proof of His Oneness - Explained
Classification 3: The Qualitative Attributes (صفة المعاني ) An Introduction
The Qualitative Attributes - Will ( الإرادة ) and Power ( القدرة )
The Qualitative Attributes - Knowledge ( العلم )
Will and Knowledge Relation - Judgement ( القضاء )
Will and Power Relation - Execution ( القدر )
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 5
The Qualitative Attributes - Continued
The Qualitative Attributes - Life ( الحياة )
The Qualitative Attributes - Hearing ( السمع ) , Sight ( البصر ) , Speech ( الكلام )
Classification 4 : The Predicative Attributes ( الصفة المعنوية )
The Predicative Attributes in Perspective - Explained
Matters of Prophethood ( An Introduction )
Difference between Messengers and Prophets
Guidance After Seal of Prophethood
Messengers : Necessary Attributes
Messengers : Possible Attributes
Essentials of Islamic Creed - Module 6
Conclusion : The Seal of All Prophets ﷺ
The Bearing of Witness : Detailed
The Lineage of The Prophet ﷺ
The Great Intercession ( الشفاعة )
The Reservoir ( الحوض )
Names of the Prophets(عليهم السلام) in The Quran
The Prophet's Family and The Best of Generations (رضي الله عنهم)
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Is it a problem not to absorb attributes fully intellectually? - An Explanation
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